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207 N Main Street

The property owner, Formyduval5 LLC, operates a multi-tenant building and site that hosts various types of commercial and office tenants. 

MA 22-11 - A Map Amendment (Rezoning) application to seeks to rezone the property from the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Zoning district of General Industrial - Conditional Zoning District (GI-CZ)  to the General Commercial - Conditional Zoning (GC-CZ) District.  The Condition includes a list of Permitted, SUP required, and Prohibited Uses.   

- On October 24, 2022, the Planning Board considered the request and voted 5-0 to recommend Approval of the application to the Town Board of Commissioners. 

- On December 6, 2022, a Public Hearing before the Town Board of Commissioners was conducted; the Town Board tabled action on the request to allow the Applicant to revise the Application and make the request for a Conditional Zoning (CZ) District. 

- On December 19, 2022, the revised Application for the General Commercial-Conditional Zoning (GC-CZ) District was presented before the Planning Board, and that Board recommended Approval to the Town Board 5-0.

- On February 7, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners unanimously Approved Map Amendment 22-11 to rezone the property to the General Commercial-Conditional Zoning (GC-CZ) District from the current General Industrial-Conditional Zoning (GI-CZ) District.  This included the Revised (02-07-2023) Conditions of Approval.


Town Board Approval 2/7/23-MA 22-11

February 7, 2023

On February 7, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners unanimously Approved Map Amendment 22-11 to rezone the property to the General Commercial-Conditional Zoning (GC-CZ) District from the current General Industrial-Conditional Zoning (GI-CZ) District. 

Neighborhood Meeting (ONLINE) - October 20, 2022

October 20, 2022

The applicant for MA 22-11 will host an online TEAMS meeting with notified property owners to discuss/answer questions about the request to rezone 207 N. Main Street from the General Industrial-Conditional Zoning (GI-CZ) District to the General Commercial (GC) District.