MA 22-04 - Map Amendment to rezone from General Industrial (GI) District to the General Commercial Conditional District (GC-CZ) District under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO). On 06/07/2022, the Town Board of Commissioners held a Legislative public hearing and unanimously Approved the application.
SDP-24-05 - Site Development Plan for redevelopment of existing 4.19 acre lot with a 64,450 SF building containing three (3) Principal Zoning Uses: Eating Establishment; Recreation, Indoor; and Retail Sales & Services, Neighborhood. The submittal includes a request for an Alternative Parking Plan (APP) per LDO Section 6.4.K., which requires Town Board of Commissioners approval.
- 1st Submittal received 24-06-05; on TRC STAFF review during JUNE 2024; comments published on 2024-07-07.
- 2nd Submittal received 24-08-01; on TRC STAFF review during AUGUST 2024; comments published on 2024-09-06.
- 3rd Submittal received 24-11-01; on TRC STAFF review during NOVEMBER 2024; comments published on 2024-12-09.
Wake Co. Permit SEC-126025-2024 Letter of Disapproval dated 07-08-2024.
Wake Co. Permit SEC-126025-2024 Letter of Disapproval dated 08-09-2024.
Demolition Permit DPR-129328-2024 issued on 10-30-2024.
Map Amendment MA 22-04 Approved on 06/07/2022
On June 7, 2022, the Town Board unanimously Approved (5-0) Map Amendment MA 22-04, rezoning the property from the General Industrial (GI) District to the General Commercial-Conditional District (GC-CZ).
MA 22-04 - Rezone GI to GC
MA 22-04 - Planning Board Mtg 04/25/2022
MA 22-04 - Town Board Mtg 06/07/2022
Wake County Permit SEC-126025-2024
SDP-24-05 - Site Development Plan - V1
- V1 - Application (modified)
- V1 - Application (digitally signed)
- V1 - Property Owner Consent Form
- V1 - Site Development Plan set 18 sheets
- V1 - SDP Checklist submitted
- V1 - Alternative Parking Plan (APP) request
- V1 - Lighting Plan exhibit
- V1 - Comments-SUMMARY - READ FIRST
- V1 - Comments-PLANNING mark-ups
- V1 - Comments-PARKS- mark-up ped exhibit
- V1 - Comments-ENGINEERING Memo
- V1 - Comments-ENGINEERING markups
- V1 - Comments-CORPUD mark-ups
SDP-24-05 - Site Development Plan - V2
- V2 - Resposne to ALL V1 Comments
- V2 - FIre Apparatus Turning Exhibit
- V2 - Tree Survey exhibit
- V2 - Architectural Elevations
- V2 - Revised SDP plans dated 07-29-2024
- V2 - Comment PLNG Mark-ups Shts C-4 & C-11
- V2 - Comment PLNG Mark-ups Arch Elev plans
- V2 - Comment ENGINEERING Memo
- V2 - Comment ENGINEERING Mark-ups
- V2 - Comment-WAKE CO Permit SEC-126025-2024 Disapproval 08-09-2024