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4724 Burlington Mills Rd/Arden Senior Living Center

This project entails developing 11.00 acres [PIN # 1758486155 is a 10.58 acre tract (BM 2008/pg1281; DEED BK 013125 PG 02343) and a 0.42 acre tract (being a portion of PIN 1758582090) into an age-restricted ('senior') housing development as an "Independent Living Facility" zoning use.  On September 5, 2023, the property owner successfully achieved Voluntarily annexation into Town Limits and changed the zoning to a Residential High Density Conditional Zoning (RH-CZ) District under the Land Development Ordinance (LDO). The Town adopted a Text Amendment to the Land Development Ordinance, initiated by this property owner, to make changes to the Residential Care Facility zoning specific use, which benefitted this property owners project pursuant to the Rezoning. In 2024, the property owner is seeking approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP) for construction of the described project. 

TA 22-01 - APPROVED - 09/05/2023 - Text Amendment to amend the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) with two (2) revisions - (1.) LDO Section 5.1.2.J., create new sub-use under Residential Care of 'Independent Living Facilities' and (2.) LDO Table 3.1.3. to add (Maximum Building Height standard) ' 55' for Residential Care uses '. On 07-24-2023, the Planning Board voted unanimously (4-0-1 absent) on a motion to recommend approval as presented to the Town Board of Commissioners. On 09/05/2023, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Public Hearing and voted (4-0; Commissioner Sneed absent) on a motion to Approve, with the addition of a four-story (building) height maximum .

ANX 22-09 - APPROVED - 09/05/2023 - Voluntary Annexation Petition to annex 10.58 acres into the Town Corporate Limits.  On 09/05/2023, the Town Board of Commissioners conducted a Public Hearing and voted (4-0; Commissioner Sneed absent) on a motion to Approve.

MA 22-10 - APPROVED 09/05/2023 - Map Amendment to rezone the property from the General Commercial Conditional Zoning (GC-CZ) and General Industrial-Conditional Zoning (GI-CZ) District to the Residential High Density Conditional Zoning (RH-CZ) District.  The application includes proposed Conditions of Approval and a Concept plan for a project consisting of a maximum of 164 multifamily dwelling units specifically being senior living housing. Four (4) submittal were reviewed between October 2022 and July 2023; the Applicant conducted a Neighborhood Meeting on June 12th, 2023.  On 07-24-2023, the Planning Board voted unanimously (4-0-1 absent) on a motion to recommend approval as presented to the Town Board of Commissioners.  On 09/05/2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted (4-0; Commissioner Sneed absent) on a motion to Approve. The Board also voted 4-0 on a motion to Adopt a Plan Consistency Statement and Statement of Reasonableness.

Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) - STANTEC performed a Traffic Impact Analysis for the proposed Residential care facility; 08/23/2023 - NCDOT Congestion Management preliminary approval; recommended Improvements TBD; Final approval TBD next 20 days. 

SDP-24-01 - Site Development Plan - To develop a Residential Care Facility of 164 multifamily / residential care facility units. 

- 1st Submittal received 1-2-2024; on review in JANUARY 2024; comments published on 02-06-2024.


Town Board Approval of ANX-22-09 / MA 22-10 for 4724 Burlington Mills Road, and TA 22-01

September 5, 2023

On September 5, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners voted unanimously (4-0, 1 absent) on Motions to Approve ANX-22-09, MA-22-10, and TA-22-01, applications submitted by FC Rolesville, LLC on behalf of the property owner Brothers Forty-Six LLC and Wallbrook Landco LLC, for the purposes of developing an age-restricted Residential Care facility on an approximately 11 acre property addressed as 4724 Burlington Mills Road.  
