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4502 Vineyard Lane

4502 Vineyard Pine Lane is Lot 6 of Barrett Ventures LLC, created via Book of Maps 2008 / Page 702, recorded on 04/04/2008. The property seeks to Rezone the property to facilitate a commercial/retail development, and seeks to amend the Land Development Ordinance [LDO] so as to extend the boundary of the Main Street Corridor as defined in the LDO so as to utilize the setback reduction options for properties zoned the General Commercial District.

Text Amendment - TA-23-04 - APPROVED on 7.06.2023-Applicant initiated amendment to Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Section 11.7, Definition of 'Main Street Corridor'.

- 1st Submittal received 04-11-2023; preparing for Planning Board on May 22, 2023.

- On 05-22-2023, the Planning Board voted unanimously on a motion to Recommend Approval to the Town Board of Commissioners of the amendment to the Main Street Corridor definition in LDO Section 11.7, as well as a proposed amendment to LDO Section 3.2.1.C.3., to add "or is provided so as to create pedestrian access to Main Street from the property" onto the end of the sentence. "

Rezoning - REZ-23-04- APPROVED on 2023-07-06 - Application to rezone PIN 1758453022 from the OP-CZ (Office Park Conditional Zoning) District to a General Commercial Conditional Zoning (GC-CZ) District, with a Condition of Approval that prohibits a list of otherwise Permitted uses in the GC District.

- 2023-04-11 - 1st Submittal received.

- 2023-05-09 - Applicant conducted Neighborhood Meeting @ 7:00 PM at the Rolesville Community Center (514 Southtown Circle); 36 properties were notified via a Letter dated April 26, 2023; no Attendees.

- 2023-05-22 - The Planning Board voted unanimously on a motion to Recommend Approval to the Town Board of Commissioners, with an amendment to make the Use of "Tattoo Establishment" a Permitted (not Prohibited) Use.

- 2023-07-06 - The Town Board of Commissioners, on a Motion to Approve, with amendment to the proposed Conditioned list of Permitted uses, to move "Bar/Tavern", "Brewery/Distillery", "Commercial Parking", and "Schooks (K-12)" from the Permitted list to the Prohibited list, voted unanimously in favor. 

Site Development Plan - SDP-23-06 - Site Development Plan to develop Lot 6 of Barrett Ventures LLC as a multi-tenant commercial/retail center, subject to REZ-23-04, a General Commercial-Conditional Zoning District.

- 1st Submittal Received 08-30-2023; on TRC-STAFF Review during SEPTEMBER; Comments published on October 8, 2023.


Town Board Approval 7/6/2023- REZ-23-04 & TA-23-04

July 6, 2023

On July 6, 2023, the Town Board of Commissioners unanimously Approved Map Amendment 22-11 to rezone the property to the General-Conditional Zoning (GC-CZ) District from the current Office Park-Conditional Zoning (OP-CZ) District, and Text Amendment 23-04 applicant-initiated text amendment to the Main Street Corridor definition in LDO Section 11.7, as well as a proposed amendment to LDO Section 3.2.1.C.3., to add "or is provided so as to create pedestrian access to Main Street from the property" onto the end of the sentence. ". 

REZ-23-04-4502 Vineyard Place - Neighborhood Meeting

May 1, 2023

The Applicant for Rezoning Map Amendment application REZ-23-04, MRR Development, represented by caaEngineers, will conduct a Neighborhood Meeting on May 9, 2023 @ 7:00 PM at the Rolesville Community Center (514 Southtown Circle). Thirty-six (36) properties were notified via a Letter dated April 26, 2023. 


Neighborhood Meeting held 05-09-2023